The final stage – time to take action to shape your career – implementing plans, relates to putting existing plans into action. In this stage, the information gained from previous steps about you, the world of work and decision-making is utilized. Make time to complete the one thing you have chosen to start with, and then choose a second thing to do, and so on. Shaping your career path is an ongoing process.

Typical activities at this stage of the career planning process include:

  • Job Search

    Finding a job can take months of time and effort. But you can speed the process by using many methods to find job openings.

    Following are some methods:

    • Personal contacts
    • Institutional career planning and placement offices
    • Employers
    • Classified Ads
    • Internet Resources
    • Professional Association
    • Private employment agencies and career consultants
    • Internships
  • Preparing Cover Letter & Resume

    A cover letter is a one-page document that you submit as part of your job application (alongside your CV or Resume). You should never send a resume without a cover letter.

    Your cover letter will often make the first impression in the mind of a hiring manager, making it an essential part of your application. 

  • Interviews

    Interviewing is an important step in the employee selection process. If done effectively, the interview enables the employer to determine if an applicant’s skills, experience and personality meet the job’s requirements.

    Reaching the interview stage is an accomplishment. Being invited for an interview says that your resume or networking strategy intrigued an organization enough to want to meet you. But you’re only part way toward your new position.