Choices about your career direction are part of your continual and lifelong process of learning and growing. This does not mean that you cannot or should not make decisions though. In fact, it is just the opposite. Making informed and thoughtful decisions allows your career to develop. More importantly, it allows it to develop in the direction you want it to

It’s important to be true to ourselves and what we value in life. When you factor into a decision the things that are important to you, the best option might become obvious. At any rate, you’re more likely to end up with an outcome you’re happy with.



Decision making is the process of identifying and selecting alternatives based on your unique preferences. Successful career planning requires you to make many decisions, an ability to set goals and then to know how to reach them.


For individuals with a thinking preference, career decision making will likely be driven more by what seems valid, realistic, “makes sense” or seems to align with their thoughts. They will want to organize things objectively, sort ideas, make connections, develop order, and classify and categorize information. Regardless of our preference, we all use a combination of our thoughts and feelings when we make decisions. Because of this, appealing to both “sides” is an important aspect of informed and thoughtful career decision-making. With this in mind, the following exercises will help you explore your options and make a choice that is reflective of the “whole you”.


  • Self-Assessment Data

  • Finances

  • Roles & Responsibilities

  • Choosing a career path , not a job